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In the paper packaging, and labeling change the statement

点击数:9902015-01-12 15:46:01 来源: ZCCCT carbide inserts_ZhuZhou Cemented Carbide Cutting Tools Co.,Ltd

Dear users:
Because my company need to change the packing, the specification is from 4 to 6 of solid carbide cutting tools in paper packaging:
1, paper box in the display figure is as follows:

  2、In paper packaging, label and made corresponding update.(because the old labels and parts inventory, so "made in China" is now behind the bar code printing position, inventory old label after use, the new label figure is as follows:

  3、The paper solid carbide cutting tools in the packaging and labeling change statement on June 11, introduced in 2012.If you have questions, please call hotline: 4008815915.


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